Does Effexor feel like Tramadol? 

This brief article will answer the query “Does Effexor feel like Tramadol?”, as well as some other topics related to this subject.

Does Effexor feel like Tramadol? 

Effexor (Venlafaxine) does not generally feel like Tramadol, as it does not control your pain. Tramadol is a mild Opioid painkiller that can be used for both general and nerve-related pain (2). 

Tramadol does resemble Effexor if we talk about the chemical structure of the meds and how they affect the neurotransmitters in your brain, but they do that at different rates. Let’s take a look at the basic differences between Effexor and Tramadol.

‌What are the effects of Effexor compared to Tramadol? 

Mechanism of action

Effexor is an antidepressant that works by increasing the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain (1). Tramadol, on the other hand, is a pain reliever that works by binding to mu-opioid receptors in the brain and inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine (2,3).

Time taken by the medication to kick in 

Tramadol is a fast-acting medication that begins to work within a few minutes to an hour. Effexor, on the other hand, takes weeks to kick in. So we can’t generally compare a single tablet of Effexor with a single tablet of Tramadol (1,2,3). 

Clinical efficacy

Effexor is primarily used to treat depression, anxiety, and panic disorders. Tramadol is primarily used to relieve moderate to severe pain (1,2). However, Tramadol may act as a prophylactic medication for depression, although it does not provide a promising antidepressant treatment (4). 

Effexor may work for nerve pain but it won’t work as fast as Tramadol, and Effexor has no analgesic activity for general kinds of pain (5).

Adverse events

Both Effexor and Tramadol can cause side effects. Common side effects of Effexor include nausea, headache, dizziness, and dry mouth (5). Common side effects of Tramadol include nausea, headache, constipation, and lightheadedness (3). 

However, Tramadol can also cause more serious side effects such as seizures, respiratory depression, and serotonin syndrome (6).

Potential for addiction and abuse

Tramadol can be habit-forming and has a risk of addiction (7,8). 

Although rare, some patients may develop dependence on Effexor, especially those with a history of alcohol or drug abuse. Case studies have reported instances where individuals increased the dosage of venlafaxine to achieve stimulant-like effects, including experiences of euphoria (9,10). 

Escalating the medication beyond the prescribed dose can lead to an increased risk of dependence and adverse effects. Therefore, it is crucial to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and communicate any history of substance abuse to the healthcare professional.

‌ Both Effexor and Tramadol can cause withdrawal symptoms if stopped suddenly. 

Effexor withdrawal symptoms can include headache, nausea, dizziness, and irritability (11). Tramadol withdrawal symptoms can include anxiety, sweating, insomnia, and tremors (12).

How to determine which medication is right for you?

The best way to determine the right medication for you is to properly follow your doctor’s directions. 

Both Effexor and Tramadol are prescription meds and the right one should be determined by your doctor, who knows about your current symptoms, your medical history, and any underlying health condition you may have.


This brief article addressed the query “Does Effexor feel like Tramadol?”. Additionally, we explained the difference between both substances, their mechanism of action and the risk of addiction, and How to determine which medication is right for you.

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