Does Effexor affect Nexplanon? (3+ management tips)

In this brief article, we will discuss if Effexor affects Nexplanon. How does Effexor interact with Nexplanon? What are the potential side effects of taking Effexor and Nexplanon together? Further, we will discuss the tips to ensure the safe use of Effexor and Nexplanon together and what precautions need to be taken with Nexplanon.

Does Effexor affect Nexplanon?

No, Effexor does not affect Nexplanon efficacy. Nexplanon (Etonogestrel) is a progesterone-based contraceptive implant that prevents pregnancy by inhibiting ovulation (1).

It is generally safe to take antidepressants alongside contraceptive medications. There are no reported incidents of antidepressants affecting the efficacy of birth control drugs` nor there has been any significant evidence of serious adverse effects.

However, data for the concomitant use of the two drugs is limited and further research is required to establish the safety profile.

What does research suggest?

Clinical studies suggest no potential interaction between the two drugs that could impact the efficacy or safety of either of the drugs. No unintentional pregnancy was reported by concomitant use of antidepressants and contraceptive medications (2).

There is a report suggesting reduced fertility with antidepressants. However, this can be the result of depression itself and further research is needed to establish this link (3).

How does Effexor interact with Nexplanon?

No interactions have been reported for using antidepressants with birth control medication. As research data for such studies is limited, the possibility of interaction can not be ruled out. Effexor and Nexplanon have few common adverse effects and using them together can increase the risk of these adverse effects.

What are the possible side effects of taking Effexor with Nexplanon?

Adverse effects associated with Effexor include dizziness, nausea, insomnia, vertigo, loss of appetite, reduced sexual activity, diarrhoea and constipation, tremors, dry mouth and pain in the stomach.

Nexplanon implant may cause headaches, nausea, cramps, mood swings, breast tenderness and irregular periods (1).

Although, taking two drugs together does not affect the potency of either drug, side effects may occur from individual drug effects. Interaction between two drugs could result in below listed side effects:

  • Severe headaches
  • Increased pain at the implant site
  • Depressed mood, increased suicidal tendencies, menstrual irregularities and breast tenderness.

Therefore, it is recommended to be cautious while taking two drugs together and immediately contact your physician, if you experience any of these side effects.

How to ensure the safe use of Effexor and Nexplanon together?

The following management tips are recommended if you are taking Effexor and Nexplanon concomitantly:

Do not hide anything from your healthcare profession

Before taking any medication, inform the doctor about your contraceptive implant, so that they can guide you in the best possible way about the treatment alternatives and expected side effects with the medication.

Appearance of adverse effects

If you experience severe and persistent adverse effects, it is best to consult your healthcare provider for dose adjustment or some alternative medication as the effect may vary from person to person.

Do not abruptly stop the medication

If you notice any adverse reaction, do not stop Effexor abruptly without physician consultation as it could lead to life-threatening withdrawal syndrome.

If your contraceptive fails

In case your contraceptive fails and you get pregnant, immediately contact your doctor as medication may affect the health of your baby.

What precautions you should take while taking Nexplanon?

  • You should avoid Nexplanon if you think you may be pregnant.
  • If you have breast cancer or any other progestin-sensitive cancer, you should not take Nexplanon and consult your doctor for other alternative birth control methods.
  • Nexplanon should be avoided if you have or have had any blood clots.
  • The doctor may suggest alternative contraceptives if you have any of these conditions like high blood pressure, Kidney problems, Gall bladder problems, diabetes, depression, high cholesterol and high triglycerides.

What medications you should avoid while taking Nexplanon?

Medications that can affect the efficacy of hormonal contraceptive implants include:

  • Antibiotics such as Rifabutin and Rifampicin
  • Antiepileptic drugs such as Phenobarbital, Phenytoin, Primidone
  • Antituberculosis agents
  • Drugs used for the treatment of HIV


In my opinion and based on the research data, Effexor does not affect the birth-control efficacy of Nexplanon and also, no adverse effects have been reported by the concomitant use of both drugs. Side effects may occur as a result of individual drug effects.

Make sure you immediately seek professional advice in case of the appearance of any adverse event or if your contraceptive fails, to avoid any risk to your fetal health.



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National Health Service. Contraceptive implant. [updated 2021 Mar 09]. In: NHS [Internet]. London (UK): NHS; [cited 2023 Nov 06]. Available from:


Berry-Bibee EN, Kim MJ, Simmons KB, Tepper NK, Riley HE, Pagano HP, Curtis KM. Drug interactions between hormonal contraceptives and psychotropic drugs: a systematic review. Contraception. 2016 Dec;94(6):650-667. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2016.07.011. Epub 2016 Jul 18. PMID: 27444984.. Avaliable from:


Casilla-Lennon MM, Meltzer-Brody S, Steiner AZ. The effect of antidepressants on fertility. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Sep;215(3):314.e1-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2016.01.170. Epub 2016 Jan 28. PMID: 26827878; PMCID: PMC4965341. Available from:

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