Does Cymbalta help with binge eating? (+3 approaches)

In this article, we will discuss the role of Cymbalta in the management of binge eating. We will also discuss the alternative treatment options for binge eating if Cymbalta fails to manage it.  

Does Cymbalta help with binge eating?

Yes, Cymbalta does help with binge eating. Cymbalta is effective in reducing binge eating episodes in individuals with co-occurring mental disorders such as depression or anxiety. Binge eating treatment often involves a combination of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions, tailored to the individual’s needs.

Cymbalta, also known as Duloxetine, is an antidepressant medication that works by increasing the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. This helps to alleviate various symptoms associated with depression, anxiety, and fibromyalgia. However, Cymbalta may also be used off-label to manage conditions such as binge eating and obsessive-compulsive disorder (1). 

How does Cymbalta treat binge eating?

Cymbalta is a medication that can help reduce episodes of binge eating by increasing serotonin levels, which are involved in regulating appetite. When serotonin levels are increased, individuals may feel fuller or more satisfied after eating, which can reduce the urge to engage in binge eating. Cymbalta can also be effective in reducing weight for the same reason.

What does research suggest?

According to research, Cymbalta is highly effective in reducing the frequency of binge eating episodes in individuals with depression and binge eating disorder. In a study involving around 40 patients, Cymbalta demonstrated notable efficacy over a three-month period in reducing the episodes of binge eating (2).

Additionally, in another study, it was found that Cymbalta not only reduced the frequency of eating but also helped to reduce weight in individuals with eating disorders and obesity. These studies show that Cymbalta is a valuable treatment option for those struggling with these conditions (3).

What to do if Cymbalta doesn’t effectively manage binge eating?

If you are currently taking Cymbalta to manage your binge eating disorder but feel that the medication is not working or potentially making your condition worse, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider.

Consulting with your doctor can help determine the root cause of your treatment failure and lead to an adjustment in dosage or a switch to an alternative medication if necessary. However, it is crucial that you never make the decision to switch medications on your own without consulting with your healthcare provider first.

Keep in mind that it may take a few weeks for medications like Cymbalta to show therapeutic effects, so it is important to not change or stop taking your medication abruptly. Doing so may lead to withdrawal effects.

What are the alternatives to Cymbalta for treating binge eating?

Several off-label drugs can be used to reduce the frequency of binge eating. However, these medications are typically prescribed when there is a clear need, such as the presence of comorbid conditions like depression or when other interventions have not been successful. Some examples of these medications may include (4):

  • Lisdexamfetamine
  • Exenatide
  • Bupropion
  • Fluoxetine
  • Setmelanotide
  • Topiramate

These medications can be prescribed by your healthcare provider in combination to effectively manage the binge eating disorder. Additionally, some non-pharmacological interventions can be added to the therapy to provide long-term success.

What are the non-pharmacological approaches to treating binge eating?

Binge eating disorders can be managed effectively with non-pharmacological approaches. Psychotherapy is one such approach that has been proven to be highly effective. Among the psychotherapies, cognitive-behavioral therapy is considered the most effective as it focuses on identifying and changing thought patterns and behaviors related to binge eating.

In addition to psychotherapy, there are various other relaxing interventions that can be helpful in reducing binge eating episodes. Practices such as meditation and yoga can help individuals become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors around food. These interventions can help them manage their emotions and reduce the frequency of binges.

Lifestyle changes are also an important factor in managing binge eating. Implementing healthy lifestyle habits such as regular physical activity and stress-reducing practices can contribute to overall well-being and help in managing binge eating. These changes can also help individuals maintain a healthy weight, which is essential for managing eating disorders.

In my opinion, it is important to seek professional guidance for an accurate diagnosis and to determine the most appropriate treatment plan based on individual circumstances. With the right treatment and support, individuals with eating disorders can manage their symptoms and improve their overall quality of life.

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Guerdjikova AI, McElroy SL, Winstanley EL, Nelson EB, Mori N, McCoy J, Keck PE Jr, Hudson JI. Duloxetine in the treatment of binge eating disorder with depressive disorders: a placebo-controlled trial. Int J Eat Disord. 2012 Mar;45(2):281-9. doi: 10.1002/eat.20946. Epub 2011 Jul 8. PMID: 21744377.


Bernardi S, Pallanti S. Successful duloxetine treatment of a binge eating disorder: a case report. J Psychopharmacol. 2010 Aug;24(8):1269-72. doi: 10.1177/0269881108098822. Epub 2008 Nov 14. PMID: 19010975.


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