Does Clonidine cause weight gain? 

Does Clonidine cause weight gain? 

Yes, Clonidine does cause weight gain. This side effect is reported by a number of people who took this medication. Some people gained weight after the prolonged use of Clonidine, however, some case studies showed weight gain soon after the treatment with Clonidine began. 

This side effect is still considered inconsistent as some people may gain weight at the beginning of the treatment but it may stop as the treatment progresses. 

Why does Clonidine cause weight gain? 

There are a number of possible explanations as to why Clonidine can make you gain weight. Experts have explained the causes of weight gain in both short-term and long-term Clonidine use (1). Some of these include:

  • Increase in appetite 
  • Water retention 
  • Slow fat-burning metabolism 

Increase in appetite

Clonidine has been shown to increase appetite during clinical trials and it is considered one of the main reasons why this medication is associated with weight gain as a side effect. 

It is a known fact that when you start to eat more than your body requires for its normal physiological functioning, the excess calories begin to store as fat in your body. This does not happen overnight and an increase in appetite is the cause of long-term weight gain in people taking Clonidine. 

Water retention 

Clonidine can also cause water retention in your body. Fluid retention is the main cause of short-term weight gain in people. When you begin to feel heavy just after a few doses of this medication, it’s not actually fat that makes you heavier on the scale. 

Fat doesn’t get stored in your body overnight. It’s the excess fluid that shouldn’t have been retained in the body, but as a side effect of Clonidine, it does. This weight gain is usually temporary and you begin to lose it soon after your body eliminates the excess water. 

Slow fat-burning metabolism 

Clonidine can also make you gain weight by slowing down your metabolism. This way your body does not burn as much fat as it should naturally and the excess fat gets stored in your body. 

This is also linked to long-term weight gain and it is harder to lose. You will need a good lifestyle change to lose weight gained for this reason. 

How to get rid of Clonidine-induced weight gain? 

There are a few ways through which you can lose the weight gained by taking Clonidine. These include:

Choose good foods when you feel hungry 

As one of the causes of weight gain on Clonidine is increased appetite, you should always opt for healthier food choices to satiate your appetite. If you continue to eat healthy and fulfilling foods, your elevated appetite will not be the reason for your weight gain. 

However, make sure you don’t starve yourself. Starvation or creating a big calorie deficit can result in unhealthy weight loss. In fact, if you restrict yourself from eating all the foods you love, you will soon fall into a binge-eating episode and will gain all the weight back, or even more. 

Limit your salt intake 

As Clonidine is associated with water retention which could be the reason for short-term weight gain with this medication, you should limit your salt intake. 

This is because salt, which has the basic element sodium in it, can make your body absorb more water to maintain your body’s homeostasis. This can increase your water weight and blood pressure. 

Opt for metabolism-boosting foods and activities

In order to eliminate the third way through which Clonidine can possibly make you gain weight, you should look for healthy ways to boost your metabolism. For this purpose, you should choose foods and drinks that can help you achieve that goal like good protein intake and coffee. 

You should also incorporate a good exercise regimen in your daily routine as exercise is the best way to boost your metabolism, strengthen your immune system, and make your physiological composition healthier. 

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Yasaei R, Saadabadi A. Clonidine. 2022 Jul 19. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 29083638. Available from:


MedlinePlus. Clonidine: MedlinePlus drug information [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2022 Feb 15; cited 2022 May 2]. Available from: