Can you take Zyrtec in the morning and drink at night?

In this article, we will discuss whether it is safe to take Zyrtec in the morning and drink alcohol at night. We will also discuss what research studies indicate and what you should do if you have accidentally paired these two together. 

Can you take Zyrtec in the morning and drink at night?

You can take Zyrtec (Cetirizine) in the morning and have a drink or two at night as long as there is at least a 12-hour time gap in between. However, Zyrtec is an antihistamine that can stay active for almost an entire day and it is not generally recommended to drink alcohol while taking this medication (1). 

Generally, a healthy individual can enjoy a drink with an adequate time gap after taking Zyrtec. However, the risk of side effects increases when you have an underlying health condition affecting your liver or your body generally or if you’re taking other medications.

What does research suggest?

There is limited research on the effects of alcohol on Cetirizine – the active drug present in Zyrtec, a second-generation antihistamine. The information available so far is not conclusive. 

A research study included 36 healthy volunteers to test the effects of Cetirizine and alcohol administration in the body (2). The study found that alcohol impaired psychomotor performance like it usually does. 

However, Cetirizine didn’t show any significant differences from a placebo. Furthermore, there was no adverse interaction found between Cetirizine and alcohol, and they didn’t affect each other’s blood levels (2). 

Another research review focused on second-generation H1-antihistamines and their interactions with food and alcohol (3). The study did not find much and highlighted the need for more research into how second-generation antihistamines interact with food and alcohol. 

The study suggested that these interactions may significantly impact the effectiveness of the treatment, so proper understanding is crucial (3).

What are the potential interactions between Zyrtec and alcohol?

Zyrtec may interact with alcohol in some individuals. Zyrtec is often considered a non-sedative antihistamine, but compared to some other antihistamines in its class, it can still have a bit more of a sedative effect. 

When you add alcohol into the mix, which is also known to cause drowsiness and affect your ability to stay alert, the sedative effects can become more pronounced. Additionally, people can react differently to this combination. 

Factors like individual tolerance, metabolism, and overall health play a role. For instance, individuals with liver damage may be more vulnerable to these interactions because the liver is responsible for breaking down both Zyrtec and alcohol (1,4). 

If the liver is already compromised, this combination can potentially lead to more disturbing outcomes. 

What to do if you have accidentally taken Zyrtec with alcohol? 

If you have accidentally taken Zyrtec with alcohol and feel unusual, seek medical attention right away. Generally, having one glass of alcohol along with Zyrtec is unlikely to have a major impact on your health other than causing increased sedation. 

However, it’s important to remember that people are different, and how your body reacts might not be the same as someone else’s. 

However, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to more damage and may lead to unpredictable outcomes – as different people can have different pre-existing factors affecting their health. 

If you’re concerned about how you’re feeling after accidentally taking Zyrtec and alcohol, it’s a good idea to consult a healthcare professional for guidance. 


In this article, we have discussed the effects of taking Zyrtec in the morning and drinking alcohol at night. We have also discussed some research reviews and talked about the potential interactions between alcohol and Zyrtec. 

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