Can you take Wellbutrin in the morning and Trazodone at night?

In this article, we will discuss the use of Wellbutrin in the morning and Trazodone at night – both of which are antidepressants. We will talk about their potential benefits and risks, and some important considerations before taking these meds together.

Can you take Wellbutrin in the morning and Trazodone at night?

You can take Wellbutrin in the morning and Trazodone at night if your healthcare provider has prescribed this combination. Wellbutrin and Trazodone are frequently prescribed together these days, but the decision is based on several individual-specific factors (1). 

People are different and can respond differently to medications. Some people respond well to this combination, especially when the doses are adjusted and the treatment is properly monitored. However, some people may not respond well to it. 

Potential benefits of taking Wellbutrin in the morning and Trazodone at night

Taking Wellbutrin in the morning and Trazodone at night can offer some health benefits. Wellbutrin is well-known for its energy-boosting effects, which is why it is considered one of the best antidepressants for motivation and weight loss (2). 

However, this effect can trigger insomnia in some people. That’s where taking a sedative antidepressant, such as Trazodone, at night can be beneficial (3). This can help reverse Wellbutrin-induced insomnia, which is a desirable effect for people who experience this side effect. 

Taking Wellbutrin in the morning and Trazodone at night can also provide comprehensive relief from depression symptoms in people who don’t respond well to antidepressant monotherapy. 

Potential risks of taking Wellbutrin in the morning and Trazodone at night

Taking Wellbutrin in the morning and Trazodone at night is associated with some risks, including:

Risk of seizures

Both Wellbutrin and Trazodone, although rarely, can increase the risk of seizures (4,5). When combined, especially if doses are high or not properly adjusted, this risk may become more pronounced. 

Seizures are a serious concern, and individuals with a history of seizures or certain medical conditions may be at higher risk.

Additive side effects

Combining these medications can lead to additive side effects. For example, both medications can cause drowsiness, dizziness, dry mouth, and other common side effects (6,7). When taken together, these side effects may become more pronounced and potentially disruptive to daily functioning.

Serotonin syndrome

There is also a risk of serotonin syndrome when taking medications that affect serotonin levels, like Trazodone and Wellbutrin. This condition can occur if the doses are not properly adjusted or if the patient is sensitive (8). 

Symptoms of serotonin syndrome can include agitation, confusion, rapid heart rate, and elevated body temperature. It’s crucial to monitor for these symptoms and seek immediate medical attention if they occur (6).

Important considerations before taking Wellbutrin in the morning and Trazodone at night

Before taking Wellbutrin in the morning and Trazodone at night, there are important considerations to keep in mind:

  • Dose adjustment: The dosages of both medications should be determined by your healthcare provider based on your individual needs and response to treatment. Never adjust your doses without consulting your healthcare provider.
  • Monitoring of side effects: Both medications can have side effects, and taking them together may increase the likelihood of certain side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, or changes in blood pressure. 
  • Proper administration: It’s essential to take your medications exactly as prescribed. Follow your healthcare provider’s instructions carefully regarding dosage, timing, and whether to take them with or without food.
  • Pre-existing health conditions: Inform your healthcare provider of any pre-existing health conditions, especially if you have a history of seizures or other neurological disorders. Wellbutrin can lower the seizure threshold in some individuals, so your provider will consider this when prescribing it.
  • Proper monitoring: Stay in close communication with your healthcare provider while taking this combination. They will assess your progress, adjust dosages if needed, and address any concerns or questions you may have.

Remember, only your doctor can help determine whether this combination is the right one for you. Make sure you don’t start taking any medication without consulting your doctor first. 


In this article, we have discussed the use of Wellbutrin in the morning and Trazodone at night. We have also discussed their potential benefits and risks, and some important considerations before taking these meds together.

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