Can you take Omeprazole in the morning and Famotidine at night?

In this article, we will discuss the use of Omeprazole in the morning and Famotidine at night. We will also discuss the potential benefits and risks of this combination.

Can you take Omeprazole in the morning and Famotidine at night?

Yes, you can take Omeprazole in the morning and Famotidine at night. Omeprazole is a proton pump inhibitor which controls stomach acid secretion (1). 

Famotidine, on the other hand, is an H2 receptor blocker which also manages stomach acidity (2). Taking these two medications on the same day is absolutely okay and there are no known interactions between them. 

It’s common for people to take more than one acid reducer for managing acidic reflux throughout the day. However, each individual is different and could have different factors contributing to increased acid reflux. 

This is why it’s important to talk to your doctor about your acid reflux and rule out conditions like ulcers. 

Potential benefits of taking Omeprazole in the morning and Famotidine at night

Taking Omeprazole in the morning and Famotidine at night can help with stomach issues. When you take Omeprazole before breakfast, it works best because it stops your stomach from making too much acid (1). 

This is important because when you have an empty stomach, the medicine is absorbed better. By blocking the pump that makes acid, Omeprazole keeps your stomach from producing too much acid when you eat (1).

Now, let’s talk about Famotidine at night. When you take Famotidine before your evening meal or before bedtime, it helps protect you from acid troubles at night (3,4). 

This is especially useful because when you lie down to sleep, your stomach can produce more acid, which can flow back into your throat and cause discomfort.

Famotidine at night reduces stomach acid while you sleep (3,4). This not only gives relief from nighttime acid problems but also lets you sleep better without being woken up by acid troubles. So, using both of these medicines can give you all-around relief from acid issues.

Potential risks of taking Omeprazole in the morning and Famotidine at night

There are no known potential risks associated with taking Omeprazole in the morning and Famotidine at night. The two medications are not known to interact with one another. However, people may experience side effects specific to each of the medications. 

Common side effects may include headache, nausea, diarrhoea, or dizziness, etc. these side effects are not that commonly experienced and these meds are generally well tolerated (1,2). However, chronic use of these meds may cause some mild long-term side effects. 

Just make sure you’re not allergic to these medications. If you are or have never used it before, it is important to look out for symptoms like redness, itchiness, swelling, difficulty breathing, etc. It is crucial to seek immediate medical attention if any such symptom shows up. 

What to do if your acid reflux does not get better after using Omeprazole and Famotidine?

If your acid reflux does not resolve after taking Omeprazole in the morning and Famotidine at night, it’s important to seek medical attention. Acid reflux can have multiple causes, like an H-pylori infection, which should be diagnosed properly (5). 

If your acid reflux is persistent, your doctor may recommend some diagnostic tests to rule out any underlying disease. If your acid reflux has a root cause, your doctor will provide a proper prescription to help your condition. 

Chronic acid reflux can damage your stomach and can increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. This is why acid reflux should never be ignored or left untreated.


In this article, we have discussed the potential risks and benefits of taking Omeprazole in the morning and Famotidine at night. We have also discussed that these meds are not known to interact with one another and can be taken safely on the same day.

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