Can you take NyQuil with Advil?

Can you take NyQuil with Advil?

Yes, you can take NyQuil with Advil. Advil contains Ibuprofen as the main active ingredient and it helps relieve pain and inflammation. 

Although there is no known interaction between NyQuil, a medication for cold and congestion, and Ibuprofen – you may not need to use these two together (1,2). This is because NyQuil already contains Acetaminophen, which is also a painkiller (1). 

If your purpose is to relieve pain and fever associated with a cold, NyQuil may get the job done alone and you may not need Advil at all. However, Advil is a different type of painkiller and it has anti-inflammatory properties that Acetaminophen doesn’t possess (2). 

In some cases, Advil is considered a very smart addition to NyQuil in terms of reducing pain, fever, and inflammation. Make sure you don’t take too much of either of the medications. 

If you’re taking Acetaminophen on the same day as NyQuil, make sure to have at least a 5-6 hour gap between them.

Potential benefits and risks of taking NyQuil with Advil

When considering taking NyQuil with Advil, it’s important to be aware of both the potential benefits and risks (1,2).

Potential benefits of taking NyQuil with Advil include:

  • Symptom relief: NyQuil contains various ingredients to alleviate cold and flu symptoms, such as cough, congestion, and fever.
  • Sleep aid: NyQuil may help with sleep as it contains antihistamines that induce drowsiness.
  • Pain relief: Advil (ibuprofen) is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that can help reduce pain, inflammation, and fever.

Potential risks of taking NyQuil with Advil include:

  • Overdose risk: Both NyQuil and Advil contain active ingredients, and taking them together may lead to unintentional overdose if not used as directed.
  • Interactions: The combination may have interactions with other medications or health conditions, so consulting a healthcare provider is crucial.
  • Sedation: Combining NyQuil’s sleep-inducing effects with Advil may cause excessive drowsiness, leading to potential safety risks.

Final words

To sum up, you can take NyQuil with Advil but you may not need to, as NyQuil already contains a painkiller – Acetaminophen. However, for additional pain relief and anti-inflammatory effects, the two medications can be taken together. 

It’s always best to reach out to your doctor or pharmacist if you’re confused about the proper use of meds or need to know which OTC medications can be paired together for maximum and safe therapeutic benefits. 

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Gerriets V, Anderson J, Nappe TM. Acetaminophen. 2022 Sep 18. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 29493991.


Ngo VTH, Bajaj T. Ibuprofen. 2023 May 29. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 31194439.