Can you take Naproxen if you’re allergic to Ibuprofen? 

Can you take Naproxen if you’re allergic to Ibuprofen? 

You might be able to take Naproxen if you’re allergic to Ibuprofen, but this is something that should be determined by your healthcare provider. Some people are only allergic to Ibuprofen, which doesn’t change the way other NSAIDs work. 

However, some people could be allergic to the entire class of NSAIDs. Such people can not respond well to any NSAID. This is why you need to discuss this with your doctor before you take Naproxen. 

However, some people may not be able to tolerate Ibuprofen and call it a reaction – but that is not the case(1). If you can’t bear Ibuprofen because of the side effects – like gastrointestinal side effects – you can try other NSAIDs for sure(2).

The best way to do it is to start with a low dose and take your med with food. An allergic reaction is your body’s immune response to the allergen – which should be Ibuprofen in this case. This is the type of allergy that one needs to look out for. 

How to determine if you’re allergic to Naproxen?

Currently, there isn’t any reliable skin or blood testing procedure that would tell you for sure whether or not you’re allergic to Naproxen or any other NSAIDs, apart from Ibuprofen. 

However, your doctor may ask for some tests for estimating an allergic response or you may have to take a very small dose of Naproxen. However, all of this should be done under your doctor’s supervision and you should never try this at home. 

Alternatives to Ibuprofen and Naproxen for pain relief 

If you’re allergic to Naproxen or if you still can’t tell for sure, it’s best to avoid taking these meds. There are plenty of other medications that can help you with your pain. 

If you want to take an OTC painkiller, Acetaminophen (Tylenol) would be best for that. It is considered the safest painkiller and it is not structurally or chemically related to NSAIDs. So, you can safely take Tylenol if you’re allergic to NSAIDs. 

However, Tylenol can not help your inflammation as it does not possess anti-inflammatory traits. However, it can help you with pain and fever. If Tylenol does not manage your condition adequately, talk to your healthcare provider for a prescription painkiller. 

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Hermans MAW, Otten R, Karim AF, van Maaren MS. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug hypersensitivity: not always an allergy! Neth J Med. 2018 Mar;76(2):52-59. PMID: 29515006. Available from:


Peng S, Duggan A. Gastrointestinal adverse effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2005 Mar;4(2):157-69. doi: 10.1517/14740338.4.2.157. PMID: 15794710. Available from: