Can you take expired Claritin?

Can you take expired Claritin?

It is not recommended to take expired Claritin or any other medication for that matter. Expired Claritin may not necessarily go bad or become toxic, but it does start to lose its potency with time and there is no simple way to determine how much potency of the drug is lost. 

When you consume such a pill, it won’t make up for the dose requirement your symptoms need and result in therapeutic insufficiency. This is why it’s best to not use expired Claritin. 

What are the dangers associated with the use of expired Claritin? 

As I just stated, Claritin doesn’t really turn bad once it expires, but it won’t benefit you either. The expired dose will not make your symptoms better and you will continue to suffer from allergy symptoms (1). 

This is not an ideal situation as you expect to feel better when you take a med and you can’t achieve that by taking an expired Claritin. If you are experiencing symptoms and you only have expired Claritin at hand, you can try and take a tablet. 

It may provide some relief to your symptoms. However, you will need to replace the expired med with a new one to see guaranteed results. Some people may take more of the expired tablets knowing that the drug may have lost its potency and taking more is necessary to achieve an adequate therapeutic response. ‘

However, this is a wrong practice and taking more expired Claritin may lead to overdosing if the drug has not lost its potency. This is why you should never take a higher dose on your own. 

What to do if you have taken expired Claritin?

If you have accidentally taken expired Claritin and you feel unusual, immediately call your local medical emergency helpline and seek medical attention. 

However, a single dose of expired Claritin is not likely to harm you. It may not work if the medication has lost its potency. However, expired Claritin is not known to trigger an allergic reaction or cause any disturbing or life-threatening side effects.

One important thing to note is that people are different and can respond differently to medications. This is why it’s safer for you to avoid using expired medications. 

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U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Don’t Be Tempted to Use Expired Medicines [Internet]. Silver Spring (MD): U.S. Food and Drug Administration; 2021 [cited 2022 Oct 24]. Available from: