Can you take expired Benadryl?

Can you take expired Benadryl?

No, it is not recommended to take expired Benadryl or any other medication for that matter. Expiry dates mentioned on the packaging of the drug basically speak for the manufacturer’s guarantee regarding the safety and efficacy of that med. 

Once the Benadryl sitting on your shelf goes past the expiration date, there is no guarantee whether or not it is effective enough to actively counteract your symptoms. 

What are the dangers associated with the use of expired Benadryl? 

There isn’t any significant health risk when it comes to using expired Benadryl. It doesn’t necessarily go bad or toxic once it is past the expiration date. 

However, expired Benadryl begins to lose its potency with time and there is literally no simple way to tell how much potency of the drug has already been lost. 

This obviously results in therapeutic failure as the dose you took may not work as early as it should, or may not work at all. This is why it’s best to opt for an unexpired medication which is under its manufacturer’s guarantee (1). 

What to do if you have accidentally taken expired Benadryl? 

As I just stated, expired Benadryl doesn’t turn toxic and if you have accidentally taken a dose or two, it won’t physically harm you. However, it won’t benefit you either and you will have to go get a new one to help relieve your symptoms safely and effectively. 

Make sure you throw away the expired meds to avoid accidental administration. Although expired Benadryl is not dangerous, some meds can be. It’s best to replace your meds once they are expired. 

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U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Don’t Be Tempted to Use Expired Medicines [Internet]. Silver Spring (MD): U.S. Food and Drug Administration; 2021 [cited 2022 Nov 23]. Available from: