Can you take Cymbalta out of the capsule? (3+ precautions)

In this article, we will discuss the do’s and don’ts while taking Cymbalta. We will also look into its use, side effects and precautions to take while consuming Cymbalta. 

Can you take Cymbalta out of the capsule? 

No, Cymbalta cannot be taken out of the capsule. It is not recommended to open the capsule nor to crush or chew the tablets. (1) Cymbalta should be consumed as a whole with a glass of water. 

Taking the drug out of the capsule will make the drug less effective, and your body won’t get a sufficient dose of the drug. Also, it can cause irritation to your oesophagus and stomach lining, and when consumed without a capsule, the drug leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

Cymbalta is an antidepressant which belongs to the class of serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI), which acts by increasing the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain. Cymbalta is used in the treatment of depression, anxiety disorder, fibromyalgia and diabetic neuropathy. (2)

The side effects caused by Cymbalta include headache, drowsiness, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, dry mouth, insomnia, dizziness, tremors, etc. (2) 

Why can you not take Cymbalta out of the capsule? 

Cymbalta capsules are available in delayed-released form, which is designed to release the medication slowly once it reaches the stomach. The slow release of the drug makes it easy for the intestine to absorb the drug more effectively. Some drugs are also prepared in an extended-release form, which releases the drug for a prolonged period of time. 

Breaking or opening the capsule will alter the amount of drug that is absorbed by your body. Rapid absorption of the drug can cause an increase in the concentration of the drug, causing side effects. 

When you consume Cymbalta without the capsule, half of the drug gets destroyed in the stomach by stomach acid (HCl) and also irritates the stomach lining, which leads to GI disturbances such as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. 

Capsules are made up of gelatin, which protects the drug from getting released in the stomach and protects the drug from stomach acid (HCl). The drug gets released once it reaches the intestine, where absorption takes place. 

Taking the drug out of the capsule will leave a bitter taste in your mouth, which is unpleasant and also decreases the bioavailability of the drug.

Does removing Cymbalta from the capsule affect its stability?

Capsule acts as a protective barrier against air and moisture. Taking the content out of the capsule can affect the stability of the drug by exposing the drug to air and moisture which will enhance the degradation of the drug.

Capsules may have excipients or coating which protects the drug from undergoing chemical degradation. Capsules help protect the drug which is light sensitive, exposure to light can potentially impact the stability of the drug. Capsules also act as a barrier against microbial contamination. 

What are the do’s and don’ts while taking Cymbalta? 


  • Consume a Cymbalta capsule or tablet with a glass of water. If you are having trouble consuming a capsule, try shifting to a tablet, which is easy to swallow. 
  • Take Cymbalta as prescribed by your physician. Try taking Cymbalta at the same time every day. If you tend to forget, set up an alarm to remind you about your medication. 
  • Always have open communication with your physicain about the side effects and use of the drug.
  • Keep knowledge about the medications you are taking and know their side effects.
  • Check for changes in your condition for which you have been prescribed Cymbalta. If you do not observe any changes, consult your physician for further management.


  • Never open the capsule content while consuming Cymbalta. If you are taking Cymbalta in tablet form, don’t crush or chew the tablet.
  • Do not stop taking Cymbalta without your physician’s guidance. Abrupt discontinuation of Cymbalta can cause withdrawal symptoms and worsen your condition.
  • Do not self-medicate with Cymbalta. Cymbalta needs careful monitoring and dose adjustment while treating any illness. Hence, always consult a physician before taking Cymbalta. 

How to use Cymbalta safely and effectively? 

Here are some tips for using Cymbalta in a safe and effective manner. 

  • Always consult a physicain before taking Cymbalta to choose the right dose for your condition. 
  • Always take the drug as prescribed by your doctor; do not increase or decrease the dose without consulting your physicain. 
  • Avoid drinking alcohol when you are taking Cymbalta, as it can decrease the effectiveness of the medication. 
  • If you are suffering from any side effects, make sure you talk about them with your physician. 
  • If you have insomnia after taking Cymbalta, shift the dose to morning instead of night. 
  • If you feel nauseous after taking Cymbalta, try taking it with food.
  • Stay hydrated, as it will help eliminate toxic metabolites of the drug easily from the body. 
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle. If your body is healthy, the body’s response to the drug will be more effective. 
  • Do not stop taking the drug without consulting your physicain. 

In my perspective, taking Cymbalta out of the capsule will only cause more harm than good. I would recommend that you take Cymbalta as a whole. If you have a problem swallowing the drug, change the dosage form to tablet. 



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Cymbalta [package insert]. Indianapolis, USA. Eli Lilly Company. 2004. Available from:


Dhaliwal JS, Spurling BC, Molla M. Duloxetine. [Updated 2023 May 29]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from:

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