Can Xolair cause weight loss? (3+ facts)

In this article, we will discuss whether Xolair causes weight loss. We will discuss the factors contributing to weight loss. Additionally, we will also discuss the use of Xolair and its side effects.

Can Xolair cause weight loss?

No, Xolair does not cause weight loss. There are no research studies which report weight loss caused by Xolair. Xolair (omalizumab) is a humanized IgG1 monoclonal antibody which acts on IgE antibodies in humans. Omalizumab disrupts the allergic cascade and reduces the inflammatory cells and peripheral eosinophilia, hence reducing the symptoms of allergy such as inflammation, itching, swelling, etc. (1)

Omalizumab also prevents the activation of basophils and mast cells. Xolair helps in reducing the autoimmune response which occurs in conditions such as asthma, urticaria, etc. (1)

There are other factors which can contribute to weight loss while taking Xolair. Consult your physician if you notice any unexplained weight loss. Your physician will assess your condition thoroughly and provide you with proper treatment.

What factors contribute to weight loss while taking Xolair?

Xolair is a medication used to treat allergic conditions such as asthma, urticaria, nasal polyps, food allergies, etc. Xolair was not associated with weight loss during clinical trials nor during postmarketing surveillance. However, there are other factors which can contribute to weight loss while taking Xolair, such as:

Underlying health conditions: Health conditions such as dementia, depression, anxiety, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, etc. can cause weight loss. It is important to get a thorough evaluation to rule out any medical issues which can contribute to weight reduction.

Changes in appetite: Xolair can cause side effects, such as infection and decreased appetite, which can reduce your diet intake and cause weight loss.

Stress: Chronic illness or stress can lead to reduced appetite and contribute to weight changes.

Improper diet: If you consume a diet with low calories, proteins and nutrients, you may lose weight due to improper diet intake. Make sure you maintain a balanced diet.

Anorexia: Anorexia nervosa is a condition in which patients have an intense fear of gaining weight and can not eat, which can lead to weight loss.

Medications: Drugs such as antidepressants (Cymbalta, Celexa, etc), steroids, anticancer drugs, etc., can cause weight loss and influence appetite.

Age: Metabolism tends to slow down with age, which can affect muscle mass and calorie burn.

What to do if you’re losing weight while taking Xolair?

There are a few things you should do to monitor and avoid your weight loss. The first thing will be finding the cause of weight loss. If you are losing weight after consuming any medication, it can be a side effect of the drug which can reduce your appetite and lead to weight loss; if any drug is causing your weight loss, consult your physician; your physician will discontinue the drug and prescribe you another drug with the same effect.

You may also lose weight due to any underlying condition like mental illnesses, hyperthyroidism, PCOD, etc. Monitor for symptoms such as reduced appetite, mood swings, nauseous feeling, etc. Get a thorough evaluation done by your physician to identify the cause of weight loss.

Monitor your weight often at the same time of day. Keep a written or electronic record of your weight to monitor the weight changes. Establish realistic and achievable weight gain goals. Consult a healthcare professional or dietitian to set appropriate weight gain goals based on your needs.

Monitor your daily food intake. Choose a diet with more calories, proteins and nutrients. Along with the diet, exercise regularly for a healthy weight gain. Weight loss takes time, so be patient and stay consistent with your healthy habits. If you are losing weight even after proper diet and exercise, consider visiting a physician for a proper assessment.

What are the side effects of Xolair?

Xolair (omalizumab) is associated with side effects which include: (1,2)

  • Injection site reaction
  • Viral infection
  • Upper respiratory tract infection
  • Sinusitis
  • Headache
  • Pharyngitis
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Parasitic infection
  • Hair loss
  • Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness

It is important to note that not all individuals who take Xolair experience these side effects. It is essential to seek medical help if you experience any unwanted side effects. If you experience an allergic reaction (swelling of the face, itching, difficulty breathing) after taking Xolair, seek medical help immediately.

What are the precautionary measures to take while consuming Xolair?

There are some general precautionary measures to follow while consuming Xolair.

  • Always take the medication as prescribed by your physician.
  • Xolair is a subcutaneous injection. Make sure you know how to use the medication.
  • Always wash your hands and sanitize the skin before injecting the medication.
  • Pinch a 2-inch fold skin before injecting the medication and hold the syringe to 45°.
  • After you place the syringe in the position, gently pull the plunger a little back. Look for blood; if you notice any blood in your syringe, do not inject the medication. You can choose a new site for injection.
  • Do not inject at the same site every time. Keep rotating the sites.
  • You can inject subcutaneous injection on the outer surface of the upper arm, top of thighs and buttocks.
  • Make sure your environment is sterile while injecting to avoid infection. Do not reuse a syringe more than once.
  • If you are not sure how to inject Xolair, visit a healthcare provider.
  • Monitor for any side effects and seek medical help if you experience any discomfort.

In my experience

Xolair is not associated with weight loss. However, individual variability, age, underlying disorder and medication can contribute to weight loss. Reach out to your healthcare professional if you notice unhealthy weight loss. Do not stop taking Xolair without your physician’s approval.

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Kumar C, Zito PM. Omalizumab. [Updated 2023 Aug 17]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from: 


Xolair [package insert]. South San Francisco, Genentech USA, Inc, 2016. Available from: