Can Pristiq be used for ADHD? (+3 strategies)

In this article, we will discuss whether Pristiq can treat ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). We will also discuss some research studies and FDA-approved medications for ADHD.

Can Pristiq be used for ADHD?

Prsitiq (Desvenlafaxine) can not be used to treat ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) effectively. Pristiq is commonly used in the management and treatment of mental health disorders (1).

It is not effective in the management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which is why it is not commonly prescribed for it.

However, in clinical practice, Pristiq is used in ADHD treatment plans to manage comorbid conditions such as obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and major depressive disorder (MDD) which commonly occur alongside ADHD.

What does research suggest?

While Pristiq is not a drug of choice for the treatment of ADHD, several research studies have explored the medication’s potential benefits in managing ADHD-related symptoms.

One research indicated that studies with kids aged 6 to 17 SNRIs, like DesVenlafaxine, showed improvement in ADHD symptoms in 2-6 week trials. It was started at a low dose and increased slowly (2).

However, sleep disturbances were observed as a common side effect of SNRIs (2).

Antidepressants are not the first choice in treating ADHD. Psychostimulants (drugs that improve cognition and behaviour) are the first treatment choice in treating ADHD.

Another study stated that antidepressants vary in how they work for ADHD in both kids and adults. They are not as good as stimulants for improving focus and thinking, but they can help with impulsive and hyperactive behaviours (3).

It is also important to note that antidepressants like Lexapro, Sertraline etc may worsen the symptoms of ADHD in some individuals, as people are different and have different factors affecting their health. So, make sure you do not take any medication without consulting your doctor first.

What are the potential risks of taking Pristiq to treat ADHD?

Antidepressants are effective in treating the symptoms of depression and not in treating ADHD. Using Pristiq to treat ADHD can lead to conflicting changes and can increase the symptoms of ADHD.

If you take Pristiq with a psychostimulant medication to treat ADHD, it can lead to an increase in the effect of psychostimulant leading to adverse effects such as restlessness and nervousness.

Contact your doctor immediately if you experience any side effects.

What are the treatment options for ADHD?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition. Its symptoms are inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity for over 6 months. The following strategies are used to treat ADHD effectively (4,5):



They are the first choice of treatment in children with ADHD. They prove to be effective in reducing and treating the symptoms of ADHD. They include:

  • Immediate-release Methylphenidate (5mg, 10mg, 20mg) tablets.
  • Extended-release Methylphenidate (10mg, 20mg) tablets.
  • Immediate-release Amphetamine (5mg, 7.5mg, 10mg, 12.5mg, 15mg, 20mg, 30mg) tablets.
  • Extended-release Amphetamine (5mg, 10mg, 15mg, 20mg, 25mg, 30mg) tablets.


They are approved by the FDA for the treatment of ADHD. Their effect can last up to 24 hours. They include:

  • Atomoxetine (10mg, 18mg, 25mg, 40mg, 60mg) tablets.
  • Clonidine (0.1mg, 0.2mg) tablets.
  • Guanfacine (1mg, 2mg, 3mg, 4mg) tablets.

These medications are effective in treating ADHD, but the most suitable one for you should be determined by your healthcare provider. Do not take any medication on your own, always seek medical attention.

Behavioural therapy

Behavioural therapy is very important in managing ADHD. It teaches people skills that help them get better at organizing things, managing time and finishing tasks.


It is crucial for doctors to teach patients and their families about ADHD- how it can affect their everyday routines- and show them ways to manage it better. This helps improve their lives and how they handle the disorder.

In my view, Pristiq isn’t typically used as a primary treatment for ADHD. Stimulants and other specific medications are generally preferred for managing ADHD symptoms. I suggest consulting a healthcare provider for guidance on appropriate treatments for ADHD. 


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