Can Keflex capsules be opened?

Can Keflex capsules be opened?

Yes, Keflex (Cephalexin) capsules can be opened and taken with food if you can’t ingest the whole capsule. However, this should be done with great care. 

The dose uniformity should be maintained and you should consume the contents of the entire capsule at once. Keflex is extremely bitter in taste and that’s one of the reasons why it is formulated as a capsule (1). 

When you open the shell, you will taste the bitter drug, no matter what you add it to. That’s why I recommend not adding it to water and going for semi-liquid foods like pudding or applesauce to mask the bitter taste as much as possible. 

It is also strictly recommended to not store opened medication for later use as exposure to the environment will most likely affect drug stability and efficacy. If you follow these precautions, you can safely consume the opened capsule. 

Potential risks of consuming opened Keflex capsules improperly

When you consume opened Keflex capsules improperly, there are potential risks involved. One of the main concerns is that the medication may not work as effectively in treating the infection it was prescribed for (1). 

Keflex is an antibiotic, and if the capsules are not taken as directed, it can lead to antibiotic resistance, making the bacteria more difficult to treat in the future (2).

Another risk is that improper consumption could result in incorrect dosing, which might lead to inadequate treatment or an overdose. Taking too little of the medication may not clear the infection while taking too much could cause harmful side effects.

Furthermore, if Keflex capsules are not stored properly after being opened, they can become contaminated, increasing the risk of consuming a contaminated or expired product. This can be especially dangerous, as it may lead to new infections or worsen existing ones.

Alternatives to opening Keflex capsules

If you find it difficult to swallow Keflex capsules, there are alternative options to consider. First, talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist about the possibility of getting Keflex in a different form, such as a liquid suspension or chewable tablets. 

These alternative forms can be easier to take, especially for individuals who have difficulty swallowing pills.

Alternatively, you can try taking the Keflex capsules with a spoonful of applesauce or yoghurt to make swallowing easier. This method is often referred to as the “pill-rolling” technique, where you place the capsule in a soft food and swallow it together without chewing.

Final words

To sum up, you can open Keflex capsules as long as you take them properly. To ensure your safety and the effectiveness of the medication, always follow your healthcare provider’s instructions on how to take Keflex capsules correctly. 

Take the prescribed dosage at the appropriate times, and store the medication in a cool, dry place, away from moisture and direct sunlight. If you have any concerns or questions about your medication, consult your healthcare provider or pharmacist for guidance.

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LABEL: keflex- cephalexin capsule. DailyMed [Internet]. Available from:


Herman TF, Hashmi MF. Cephalexin. 2022 Aug 18. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 31747187.