Can I use expired Robitussin? 

Can you use expired Robitussin? 

It is not recommended to take an expired Robitussin, especially liquid preparations. This is because liquid preparations are more sensitive to bacterial growth and as soon as they expire, there’s no guarantee that the preservative added to the formulation will work efficiently. 

This is why it’s best to not take such a risk with your health. As far as expired solid dosage form is concerned, they may not cause any harmful effects on your health. 

However, its generally recommended by the Food and Drug Administration to avoid using expired medications, as they don’t have any guarantee regarding their safety and efficacy and they may cause unwanted side effects (1). 

Potential risks of using expired Robitussin

Using expired Robitussin may pose certain risks due to the potential degradation of the medication over time. These include:

Decreased Effectiveness

Expired medication may lose its potency and effectiveness, meaning it may not work as effectively in relieving cough and other symptoms. (2)

Reduced Safety

The chemical composition of expired Robitussin may change, leading to the formation of harmful byproducts or the breakdown of active ingredients. This can potentially increase the risk of adverse effects or unexpected reactions.

Expired cough syrups or any syrups should not be used, as they are generally less stable than solid dosage forms – which can increase the risk of bacterial contamination.

Unpredictable Side Effects

Taking expired Robitussin can increase the likelihood of experiencing side effects or adverse reactions. The expired medication may interact with your body differently than when it was in its optimal state.

Inadequate Symptom Relief

Since expired Robitussin may have diminished effectiveness, it may not provide the relief you expect, leaving your cough and other symptoms unresolved.

Contamination Risk

Over time, expired medication may become contaminated with bacteria or other microorganisms, which can further increase the risk of infection or other health complications.

What to do if you have accidentally taken expired Robitussin?

If you have accidentally taken expired Robitussin, it’s important not to panic. In most cases, a single dose of expired medication is unlikely to cause serious harm. However, it’s still a good idea to monitor yourself for any unusual symptoms or reactions.

If you experience any unexpected side effects or feel unwell, it is advisable to seek medical advice. Contact your healthcare provider or consult a pharmacist who can provide guidance based on your specific situation.

Remember to inform them that you have taken expired Robitussin so they can provide appropriate advice. It’s also a good practice to dispose of expired medications properly to avoid any unintentional use in the future.

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U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Don’t Be Tempted to Use Expired Medicines [Internet]. Silver Spring (MD): U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Available from:


Oh S, Agrawal S, Sabir S, Taylor A. Dextromethorphan. 2023 May 22. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 30855804. Available from: