Can you take Nexium on an empty stomach? 

Can you take Nexium on an empty stomach? 

Yes, you can and you should take Nexium on an empty stomach. This is an over-the-counter acid reducer which works best when you take it half an hour before your meals. 

This way the drug starts to work by decreasing the amount of acid production in your stomach and an empty stomach enhances the absorption of the med. 

However, it can be taken with food as well and there are no restrictions, but taking it with food will most likely delay the onset of action.

Nexium is not the type of medication that can cause gastrointestinal side effects when taken on an empty stomach like other OTC meds, including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Naproxen, Aspirin, etc).

If you have any other questions regarding the proper use of Nexium, reach out to your doctor or pharmacist. 

Potential benefits of taking Nexium on an empty stomach

Taking Nexium (esomeprazole) on an empty stomach offers several benefits, including:

Improved Acid Suppression

Nexium belongs to a group of medications called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which reduce the production of stomach acid (1,2).

Taking it on an empty stomach ensures that the drug can reach its target in the stomach and inhibit acid secretion more effectively- which can manage relayed symptoms, like nausea, stomach pain, burning sensation, etc.

Enhanced Symptom Relief

By taking Nexium before eating, you can better control and alleviate symptoms of acid reflux, such as heartburn, regurgitation, and chest discomfort. The medication needs time to work in the stomach and reduce the acidity that causes these symptoms.

Faster Onset of Action

Taking Nexium on an empty stomach allows it to be absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream (3). This can lead to a faster onset of action and provide relief from acid-related symptoms sooner.

Optimal Medication Absorption

Some medications, including Nexium, may interact with food, beverages, or other drugs when taken together. Taking Nexium on an empty stomach helps minimize these interactions and ensures that the medication is absorbed properly.

Final words

To sum up, Nexium can be taken with or without food- but taking it on an empty stomach is considered beneficial. However, it’s important to note that the specific instructions for taking Nexium may vary depending on the formulation and the advice of your healthcare provider. 

Always follow the instructions provided by your doctor or pharmacist and consult them if you have any questions

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Baker DE. Esomeprazole magnesium (Nexium). Rev Gastroenterol Disord. 2001;1(1):32-41. PMID: 12120118.


Ahmed A, Clarke JO. Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI). 2023 May 1. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 32491317.


Sostek MB, Chen Y, Andersson T. Effect of timing of dosing in relation to food intake on the pharmacokinetics of esomeprazole. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2007 Sep;64(3):386-90. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2125.2007.02889.x. Epub 2007 Apr 10. PMID: 17425628; PMCID: PMC2000656.