Can you take Clindamycin and alcohol together? 

Can you take Clindamycin and alcohol together? 

You can take alcohol while you’re being treated with Clindamycin. The antibiotic does not interact with alcohol. However, the excessive use of alcohol is itself a problem as it affects your body negatively. 

The concomitant use of alcohol and Clindamycin may not be a problem for people who are absolutely healthy and have normal organ systems. However, people with renal or hepatic insufficiency should not drink alcohol at all, let alone combine it with medications.

What are the dangers associated with the use of Clindamycin and alcohol together? 

As I just stated, the two may not interact and cause any harmful effects in normal individuals, but their use should be limited. Excessive use can damage your body inevitably and people with liver or kidney diseases shouldn’t even give this a try.

Although alcohol may not interact with your antibiotic, it should still be avoided if you’re fighting against a severe infection. This is because alcohol can delay the recovery process and excessive use may make your body weak against the infection. 

Alcohol can also make some of the gastrointestinal side effects of Clindamycin worse (1). Alcohol is not a good thing for a healthy body, so you can imagine how it can affect a person with an active infection. 

A glass or two won’t harm you, for sure, but let it just stay there. Don’t use it excessively or every day. 

What to do if alcohol and Clindamycin together make you feel sick?

If you have taken too much alcohol with Clindamycin and you feel unusual, immediately report it to your healthcare provider. An inevitable interaction may occur in some cases and it should be managed properly. 

Meds affect people differently and we all have different physiological makeup. This makes it extremely difficult to set a standard when it comes to the side effects or possible interactions. 

Make sure you limit the use of alcohol just to be on the safe side and wait for your body to recover from the infection. 

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U.S. National Library of Medicine. Ketorolac tromethamine. MedlinePlus. Updated January 15, 2022. [cited 2022 Nov 4].