Can you take Benadryl and Pepcid together?

Can you take Benadryl and Pepcid together?

Yes, you can take Benadryl and Pepcid together safely. Benadryl contains Diphenhydramine, an antihistamine (1). Pepcid, on the other hand, contains Famotidine which is an H2 receptor blocker used to manage high stomach acidity (2). 

Diphenhydramine and Famotidine do not interact with one another or cause any additive side effects, as they have different mechanisms of action and they bind to different receptors in your body. So yes, you can safely take Benadryl and Pepcid together. 

Potential benefits and risks of taking Benadryl and Pepcid together

Taking Benadryl and Pepcid together can offer potential benefits, as they work in different ways to manage certain health conditions. 

The combination of these medications may be beneficial for individuals experiencing both allergy symptoms and heartburn simultaneously. By taking them together, you can address two different health issues at once, providing better symptomatic relief (1,2).

However, it’s important to be cautious about potential risks. Both Benadryl and Pepcid can cause dizziness as side effects, and taking them together may intensify this effect.

It’s crucial to consult with your healthcare provider or pharmacist before combining Benadryl and Pepcid to ensure it’s safe for your specific health condition and any other medications you are taking.

Who Should Not Take Benadryl and Pepcid Together? 

If you are considering taking Benadryl and Pepcid together, it is important to know that certain individuals should avoid this combination. People who have known allergies or hypersensitivity to the active ingredients in these medications or any of their components should not take them together.

Additionally, individuals with specific medical conditions, such as severe liver or kidney disease, should use caution and consult their healthcare provider before taking Benadryl and Pepcid together.

Pregnant and breastfeeding individuals should also seek medical advice before using these medications in combination. Always talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist if you have any concerns or questions about taking Benadryl and Pepcid together.

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Sicari V, Zabbo CP. Diphenhydramine. 2022 Jul 11. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 30252266.


Nguyen K, Dersnah GD, Ahlawat R. Famotidine. 2022 Jul 11. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 30521199.