Can you take Ativan until Lexapro kicks in? 

Can you take Ativan until Lexapro kicks in? 

You can take Ativan until Lexapro kicks in, but only if your healthcare provider approves of this combination. A combination of Ativan and Lexapro is often prescribed. 

This is because Lexapro and other SSRIs can take 4-6 weeks to kick in, or even longer to work well against depression. Meanwhile, Lexapro can cause a number of side effects and is well known for its early anxiety and insomnia. 

These side effects can affect the quality of your life and can make your early days with Lexapro extremely hard to deal with. The use of Ativan in the early days of Lexapro can help deal with anxiety and insomnia in an effective way (1). 

The combination of these medications can do wonders for people suffering from depression comorbid with anxiety. Some doctors may prescribe another benzodiazepine, like Xanax, to take with Lexapro. However, make sure you only take this combination if prescribed by your healthcare provider. 

When to stop taking Ativan? 

The use of Ativan should be stopped when Lexapro kicks in. This is because Ativan should not be used for a long period of time as it causes addiction and dependence, which becomes extremely hard to let go of. 

Lexapro typically takes 4-6 weeks to start working and you should take Ativan only for that amount of time. When you’re on week 5, check with your healthcare provider regarding the use of Ativan and the best way to stop it. 

What are the side effects of combing Ativan with Lexapro?

Ativan and Lexapro may cause some side effects when used together. These include:

  • Dizziness
  • Sedation
  • Impaired coordination
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Respiratory depression
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Abnormal heart rate

These side effects are not common with everyone and they can be managed by proper dose adjustment. This is why you need to make sure that this combination is prescribed by your mental healthcare professional and it’s not something you are doing on your own. 

If your doctor has prescribed these meds, you should take them as directed. Do not change the dose, frequency, or timing on your own. 

Final words

To sum up, the combined use of Ativan and Lexapro can help manage your anxiety and depression effectively, but this combination should only be taken if approved by a healthcare provider. 

It is also important to note that prolonged use of Ativan is not recommended because of its habit-forming nature. So use this medication for as long as the doctor recommends. 

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Dunlop BW, Davis PG. Combination treatment with benzodiazepines and SSRIs for comorbid anxiety and depression: a review. Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry. 2008;10(3):222-8. doi: 10.4088/pcc.v10n0307. PMID: 18615162; PMCID: PMC2446479. Available from:

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