Can I gain weight after stopping Topamax? 

Can you gain weight after stopping Topamax? 

Yes, you can gain weight after stopping Topamax. In fact, this is one of the commonly experienced issues faced upon Topamax withdrawal. However, the number of pounds gained by some people may not be so significant. 

If you’re gaining a significant amount of weight after stopping Topamax, consult your healthcare provider. Only your doctor can determine an appropriate way to lose all this extra weight that you have gained while preventing any further weight gain. It is also important to monitor other side effects as well. 

What does the research say about Topamax withdrawal and weight gain? 

According to research studies, Topamax can make you lose up to 15 pounds in a span of 4 months. However, this weight loss effect is quite reversible and this is exactly why you gain weight after stopping Topamax (1). 

Topamax withdrawal can make you gain weight by reversing the weight changes it made during the course of your treatment. This medication is well known for causing weight loss in people, especially diabetic patients. 

Although it is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a weight loss pill, it can be used off-label. It makes you lose weight by decreasing your appetite or cravings for unhealthy foods. 

When you begin to eat less, your body starts to burn the stored fat to use as energy. However, lesser food consumption can also cause tiredness and weakness. 

What to do if Topamax withdrawal makes you gain weight? 

If you’re gaining weight after stopping Topamax, there are a few things you can do to help reverse it. These include:

Consult your healthcare provider 

It is important to talk to your healthcare provider before you do anything on your own. If your weight gain is significant, your doctor may prescribe you another medication to help reverse it. 

However, slight weight gain is not much of a problem and your doctor will send you home with some dietary recommendations. 


Exercise is the best way to burn extra calories. It not only makes you lose weight but also tones your body and boosts your immunity. The stronger your body is, the faster you will recover. 

Eat all the right foods

If you’re struggling with an increased appetite after stopping Topamax, the best way to turn that in your favour is to eat foods that can strengthen your body and not harm it. Healthy food choices can not help your body become strong, but they can also prevent weight gain. 

Opt for foods like lean protein, good fats, and lots of fruits and vegetables. These foods are packed with good calories and will help boost your metabolism. A fast metabolism is an important key to burning more calories. 

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Verrotti A, Parisi P, Agostinelli S, Loiacono G, Marra F, Coppola G, Pisani LR, Gorgone G, Striano P, Pisani F, Belcastro V. Weight regain after discontinuation of topiramate treatment in patients with migraine: a prospective observational study. CNS Drugs. 2015 Feb;29(2):163-9. doi: 10.1007/s40263-015-0229-z. PMID: 25655110. Available from: