Can fluconazole affect your period? (+3 factors)

In this article, we will explore whether fluconazole affects your period or not, how fluconazole affects your periods, what factors may contribute to disruptions in your menstrual cycle while taking fluconazole and what to do if fluconazole affects your periods.

Can fluconazole affect your period?

Yes, fluconazole can affect your period. It can potentially affect the menstrual cycle in females taking fluconazole. However, it is not a commonly reported side effect of fluconazole in most of the individuals. 

Fluconazole is an antifungal medication used to treat certain fungal infections. It belongs to the class of triazole antifungals and it works by stopping the growth of certain types of fungus. Fluconazole is usually prescribed to treat vaginal yeast infections in females in addition to other treatments (1).

If you are taking fluconazole and have any queries or concerns regarding your menstrual cycle then it is better to consult your healthcare provider to satisfy them.

How does fluconazole affect your period?

The relationship between fluconazole and abnormalities in your menstrual cycle or periods is not well-established. There is limited research evidence and anecdotal incidences that prove the causal factor relationship. 

Most of the links between fluconazole and the menstrual cycle are mainly theoretical. It has been agreed upon that fluconazole may impact gonadotropin-releasing hormone, progesterone and estrogen. This creates a fluctuation in the hormonal balance. Fluconazole also maintains the vaginal flora when treating the vaginal yeast infection (2). This can also cause an imbalance in the hormones.

What factors contribute to fluconazole-induced period disruptions?

Some other factors can also contribute to the affected menstrual cycle in patients taking fluconazole. These factors may include:

  • Higher doses of fluconazole may cause an increase in the risk of such side effects including disrupted menstrual cycle. 


  • The prolonged duration of treatment can also impact the menstrual cycle. This can affect the estrogen hormone causing a significant effect on the menstrual cycle.


  • Overall health condition of the person taking fluconazole such as stress, underlying health conditions etc. 


  • Individual sensitivity to the effects of medication is a fairly common effect. The effects of fluconazole might vary among different individuals due to certain conditions.


  • If you are taking any other medication concurrent to fluconazole, then the drug-drug interaction can impact the normal menstrual cycle. 


  • If you experience a delayed period while taking fluconazole then depending upon the possibility, you might need to take a pregnancy test to confirm the cause.

What to do if fluconazole affects your period?

If you experience any type of changes in your period while taking fluconazole then you need to consult your healthcare provider. They will inquire about the specific changes you are noticing in your menstrual cycle after you start taking fluconazole. They may have to perform a few tests to determine the cause of your irregularities.

If there is a possibility, your doctor may have to ask you to take a pregnancy test to determine the exact cause. 

If fluconazole is found to be the cause of all irregularities then your doctor may have to make some modifications in your treatment plan. They may have to shorten the treatment or lower the dose of fluconazole.

If your menstrual cycle does not get back to normal even after the modifications then your doctor may have to suggest an alternative treatment option to treat the infection (3).

Alternative Primary use
  • Vaginal yeast infection
  • Ringworm
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Vaginal yeast infection
  • Ringworm
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Systemic fungal infection
  • Nail infection
Ketoconazole Fungal infection of nails, hair, skin
Terbinafine Fungal infection of nails, hair, skin
Voriconazole Invasive fungal infection

In my experience

In my experience, fluconazole has the potential to cause disruptions in your period. These disruptions may include a delayed or an early period, changes in bleeding and spotting. You need to get proper medical advice from your doctors in this case. Fluconazole might not be the cause behind these irregularities.

Your doctor can help you with your condition and may suggest the necessary changes that are needed for your condition. Self-medication or modification in the treatment plan without proper consultation with the doctor is not advised. 


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Govindarajan, A. (2023, May 23). Fluconazole. StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf.,%2C%20pneumonia%2C%20and%20cryptococcal%20meningitis.


Donders GG, Grinceviciene S, Ruban K, Bellen G. Vaginal pH and microbiota during fluconazole maintenance treatment for recurrent vulvovaginal candidosis (RVVC). Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2020 Jun;97(2):115024. doi: 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2020.115024. Epub 2020 Feb 14. PMID: 32253071.


McKeny, P. T. (2023, March 7). Antifungal Antibiotics. StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf.