Can ferrous sulfate cause weight loss? 

Can ferrous sulfate cause weight loss? 

No, ferrous sulfate is not associated with weight loss. It is taken as an iron supplement and not a weight loss pill. Weight loss is not even listed as a side effect of ferrous sulfate. However, people who are anaemic usually feel lethargic. 

This can make their metabolism work slower and burn fewer calories. Ferrous sulfate can reverse anaemia by adding more iron to your blood which binds with more oxygen molecules (1,2). This increases your body’s energy production, which can make your metabolism work as it should. 

Ferrous sulfate just restores the normal functioning in your body that can be disrupted because of iron deficiency, that’s all. If you’re losing weight, talk to your healthcare provider. 

There could be other factors responsible and not ferrous sulfate. Your doctor can help you determine the exact cause of weight loss and will suggest what should be done to reverse it if it’s significant. The supplement itself does not cause weight loss or gain.

What factors can contribute to weight loss while taking ferrous sulfate?

While ferrous sulfate, a form of iron supplement, is not typically associated with weight loss, there are factors that can contribute to weight loss while taking it. One possible reason is the underlying condition that led to the prescription of ferrous sulfate.

Certain medical conditions, such as iron deficiency anaemia, can cause weight loss as a symptom. By treating the underlying condition with ferrous sulfate, the weight loss may reverse.

Additionally, if the individual had a poor appetite or reduced food intake due to the condition, addressing the underlying issue with ferrous sulfate may improve their appetite and lead to weight gain. 

It is important to note that you should pair ferrous sulfate with anything that may make the supplement ineffective or reverses its intended outcome. On the other hand, it’s not recommended to combine iron supplements with excessive alcohol intake

So, make sure you take your supplements as properly as possible. If the effects of ferrous sulfate are reduced, it will most likely fail to manage your anaemia. 

What to do if you are losing a lot of weight while taking ferrous sulfate? 

If you are experiencing significant weight loss while taking ferrous sulfate, it is important to consult with your healthcare provider. They can evaluate your overall health and determine the underlying cause of the weight loss. It may be related to factors other than the medication itself.

Your doctor may recommend further tests or adjustments to your treatment plan to address the weight loss and any underlying conditions. They can provide guidance on dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, or additional interventions that may help you maintain a healthy weight.

Final words

To sum up, ferrous sulfate has nothing to do with your body weight as it’s an iron supplement used to reverse anaemia. However, an underlying health condition can surely make you lose weight. 

It’s important to note that any significant weight loss or gain should be discussed with a healthcare provider to ensure proper evaluation and management of the individual’s overall health.

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Nguyen M, Tadi P. Iron Supplementation. 2022 Jul 4. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 32491308.