Can Chantix and Lexapro be taken together? (3+ benefits)

In this article, we will discuss whether Chantix and Lexapro can be taken together or not. We will also explore what research suggests on this, the possible interactions between Chantix and Lexapro, the benefits and side effects of taking them together and how to use them safely.

Can Chantix and Lexapro be taken together?

Yes, you may take Chantix and Lexapro together but very cautiously, under the strict supervision of your doctor. However, no major interaction is found between Chantix and Lexapro, individuals are unique and their sensitivity to medication can vary greatly. So risk of unexpected side effects from this combination might occur. (3,4)

Chantix is a medication prescribed to you when you’re in the process of smoking cessation by reducing the urge to nicotine consumption. Whereas, Lexapro is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), which is used for the treatment of depression and anxiety. (2,3)

Both medications primarily work on different systems of the body but it’s crucial to consult a healthcare provider before using them in combination for specific purposes, as combining medications can sometimes affect their efficacy and lead to side effects. 

What are the possible interactions between Chantix and Lexapro?

There is no direct relationship between Chantix and Lexapro. Both of these medications have different mechanisms of action and are prescribed for different purposes. There are some situations when both are prescribed together, like a person who smokes also has mood disorders. (5)

Chantix works by blocking the attachment of nicotine to its target receptors in the brain and making smoking less pleasurable for a person while Lexapro works by balancing the levels of a chemical in the brain called serotonin, which improves a person’s mood and boosts motivation. (1)

Sedation and drowsiness are the most common side effects of escitalopram (Lexapro) and with Chantax these side effects are not that frequently reported however, the combination may enhance the risk of sedative effects which may interfere with a person’s quality of performance and his day-to-day tasks. (1,2,5)

Everyone’s body can react differently to medications like Lexapro and Chantix, based on different factors like their age and sensitivity to drugs and how quickly or slowly their bodies can metabolize the drugs. This can play a role in influencing the effectiveness and side effects of these medications.

If you’re sensing any troublesome side effects from this combination therapy, reach out to your doctor right away and share your concerns openly. 

What does research suggest?

According to research, 18 people with depression and smoking habits were studied to determine the effectiveness and risk profile of giving varenicline (Chantix) and antidepressants like escitalopram together. (3)

These individuals were given varenicline along with their regular antidepressants and the researchers checked them every 2 weeks for 8 weeks to see how they were doing. The researchers examined their improvement in depression, how much they cut down on smoking and other additional side effects. (3)

Results showed that 14 out of 18 people (78%) completed the study while 4 people had to stop it because of side effects, three because of stomach issues and one because his mood got worse. (3)

By the end, 44% of them had quit smoking and the others cut down their smoking frequency to half. The researchers also noticed that the more their depressive symptoms improved, the more they were quitting on smoking. (3)

What are the benefits of taking Chantix and Lexapro together?

If your doctor prescribes Chantix and Lexapro together, here are some benefits associated with taking these medications as combination therapy: (3,5)

Smoking cessation support: 

Chantix reduces the pleasurable feelings you get from smoking and helps with the discomfort of quitting by reducing withdrawal side effects.

Treatment of depression:

Lexapro helps improve your overall mood and reduces feelings of sadness and depression. Taking it with Chantix can help in quit smoking with less fear or anxiety.

Improved mood:

If you’re depressed by not being able to quit smoking and it’s affecting your health, try combining these medications under the guidance of your doctor. They will boost your spirit and help in quit smoking.

It’s important to keep in mind that while there may be certain benefits, the decision to prescribe Chantix and Lexapro together should be made by your healthcare provider after he has thoroughly assessed your medical condition and weighed out the risks and benefits ratio.

What are the side effects associated with Chantix and Lexapro?

Here are some possible side effects which might occur in some individuals taking Chantix and Lexapro combination: (6)

  • Increased risk of serotonin syndrome: Using both Chantix and Lexapro together may increase your risk of developing serotonin syndrome which occurs by excessive accumulation of serotonin. It’s characterized by fever, hallucinations, seizures, headaches, changes in blood pressure etc. 


  • Gastrointestinal issues: Chantix and Lexapro can both cause stomach problems like nausea and taking them together might increase this side effect.


  • Sleep disturbances: Both medications can affect your sleep. Lexapro may cause insomnia (trouble sleeping) and Chantix has been linked to sleep disturbances and strange dreams. Taking both can make your sleep-related problems worse.


  • Mood changes: Though it’s rare, some people may experience changes in their mood like increased irritability and worsening of depressive symptoms has also been reported. 


  • Sexual side effects: Both Chantix and Lexapro can affect your sexual health and increase the chances of sexual problems like decreased libido or difficulty reaching orgasm. 

It’s best to always follow your doctor’s advice and inform them about any unusual or concerning symptoms you may experience. 

What’s the best way to take Chantix and Lexapro safely together?

Taking Chantix (varenicline) and Lexapro (escitalopram) together must be done under the strict supervision and guidance of your doctor. Before starting any new medication or combination of medications, consult with your healthcare provider. Tell them about your health history, all the current medications you’re taking and if you have any allergies. (5,6)

Follow the dosage prescribed by your doctor carefully to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment. Do not mix or adjust medication doses on your own as it could be harmful. 

Attend regular follow-up appointments with your doctor. Scheduled time-to-time visits are important for your doctor to monitor your progress and adjust your dose if necessary or address any bothersome side effects on time. 

Be vigilant and notice how your body is responding to the medication treatment, whether you’re experiencing any positive outcome or feeling more sick. Monitor yourself and report your health profile to your doctor from time to time.

You must ensure to limit the consumption of alcohol and other recreational drugs, as both Chantix and Lexapro can interact with alcohol and other substances causing concerning side effects. (7)

If any of your medications are making your stomach upset more frequently, try to take them with food as medications won’t be too hard on your liver and gut with food and alleviate the discomforting symptoms. 

As a pharmacist, I would suggest you go for this combination therapy of Chantix and Lexapro, if you’re extremely depressed and also a chain smoker as it could help you lift your spirit and willpower to quit smoking with less urge of nicotine and lesser withdrawal symptoms.

However, this must be done only with your doctor’s approval and regular monitoring, to ensure the treatment plan is working in your favour and not causing any substantial harm to your overall physical and mental health. 

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