Can Ampicillin treat chlamydia? 

Can Ampicillin treat chlamydia?

Ampicillin is not generally considered a suitable antibiotic for the management and treatment of chlamydia – a sexually transmitted infection. Ampicillin can be used for some of the uncomplicated STIs, like gonorrhoea, but not for chlamydia(1)

Make sure you talk to your healthcare provider if you think you have an STI. Chlamydia may require a stronger antibiotic than Ampicillin, with a broader spectrum of antibacterial activity. 

The most appropriate antibiotic can only be determined by your doctor and infections like Chlamydia should not be neglected. If left untreated, STIs can cause permanent reproductive damage. 

What medications treat chlamydia? 

The most commonly prescribed antibiotics for the management and treatment of chlamydia are Azithromycin and Doxycycline(2). A high dose of Azithromycin is usually prescribed for 2 days to manage the symptoms effectively. 

Doxycycline is used for a week. However, the duration of treatment can vary from person to person. If you’re allergic to these meds or can’t take them for some reason, other antibiotics like Erythromycin and Amoxicillin can also be used. 

What to do if you suspect you have chlamydia?

If you think you have Chlamydia, reach out to your healthcare provider right away. Proper diagnosis is essential to start your treatment. The most common tests for chlamydia are a urine test or a swab test. These tests are painless and can usually provide results within a few days.

If you test positive for chlamydia, your healthcare provider will likely prescribe an antibiotic to treat the infection. It is important to take the full course of antibiotics as directed, even if you start feeling better before you finish the medication.

It is also important to make sure that you inform your sexual partner about it, as Chlamydia is highly contagious. On the other hand, your partner should also book a doctor’s appointment to get him/herself tested. 

To avoid contracting or spreading chlamydia (or other sexually transmitted infections), use condoms or dental dams during sex and get tested regularly.

Remember, chlamydia is a common and treatable infection. With proper testing and treatment, you can protect your health and prevent the spread of the infection

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MedlinePlus [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2022 Jan 15]. Ampicillin; [updated 2021 Aug 15; cited 2022 Jan 24]. Available from:


NHS [Internet]. UK: National Health Service; [updated 2021 Apr 20]. Chlamydia Treatment; [cited 2022 Jan 24]. Available from: