Can Alprazium get you high? 

Can Alprazium get you high? 

No, Alprazium does not get you high. Alprazium is a supplement to help boost your mood and reduce symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. 

According to the manufacturers, Alprazium is made up of all-natural ingredients like passion flower extract, Valerian root, some amino acids, etc to balance the chemicals in your brain (1). 

Supplements are not generally as potent as actual medications, which is why it is highly unlikely for a person to get high on Alprazium on any other natural supplement. 

However, they will only cause undesirable side effects if you take too much of them. This is why you should never take too much of anything, even natural or organic. 

You’re only supposed to take one capsule of Alprazium at the onset of your anxiety or depression. If you have accidentally taken too much Alprazium and you feel unwell, immediately seek medical attention. 

How is Alprazium different from drugs that get you high?

Alprazium is marketed as a natural supplement and contains herbal ingredients that are believed to have calming and anxiety-reducing effects. 

Unlike drugs that are commonly used recreationally to induce a “high” or alter one’s state of mind, Alprazium is not intended to produce such effects.

The key difference lies in the ingredients and their mechanism of action. Drugs that are used recreationally often contain substances that directly affect the central nervous system, leading to changes in perception, mood, and consciousness (2).

These drugs may have psychoactive properties and can potentially be addictive (2). On the other hand, Alprazium typically includes natural ingredients like herbs, vitamins, and minerals that are thought to have calming or relaxing properties (1).

It is important to note that natural supplements are not regulated by the same strict standards as prescription medications and their efficacy and safety may vary.

If you have concerns about the effects or safety of Alprazium or any other natural supplement, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or pharmacist. 

Does Alprazium cause psychological side effects?

As stated earlier, Alprazium is a supplement containing natural ingredients. It is not known for causing typical side effects like commonly used medications for anxiety and depression. However, people have reported some side effects like nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, etc. 

Other than these common gastrointestinal side effects, no other side effects have been reported so far with Alprazium. However, it does not indicate that Alprazium is safe for every single individual. 

It’s best to seek professional advice before you start taking supplements for anxiety, especially for women who are pregnant or people with pre-existing health conditions. Natural medicinal herbs are relatively safer, but they can cause side effects in some people and they should be used cautiously. 

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Alprazium (Manufacturer’s website)


Aro HJ, Hussain A, Bobrin BD. Controlled Substances. 2023 Apr 8. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 32119270.